The Catbird Speaks 1.16.17 – Rymer Slimer or Leury Slurry

James Fegan, Mark Primiano and Nick Schaefer broke the incredibly long drought of The Catbird Speaks recordings this weekend with the first episode since the White Sox teardown began in earnest. This episode finds the staff acclimating to the new Sox way of life, talking about Jose Quintana trades, the lack of heat behind other players, answering reader questions and, as always, bagging on other teams. Topics include:

–Look at all these big-time prospects

–Who makes a deal for Quintana? (Rockies? Pirates? Astros? Yankees? Braves? Mets?)

–Some actual trade rumor info

–Where are Frazier and Lawrie going to go?

–When will this prospect bounty make it to the majors?

–The Mariners look bad

–Reacting to James’ bad jokes

–2017 White Sox win total

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