The Catbird Speaks 2.23.16 The Jimmy Rollins signing is very NSFW

Kanye West recently released an album that could be described even by his own most devoted fans as a willful mess. At turns profound and serene but also shockingly base and crude, its discordance reflects an artist who is both dealing with significant transition in his life but also just naturally two minds about nearly everything.

One could take similar themes from this episode of The Catbird Speaks, where James, Nick and Ethan are joined by Mauricio Rubio from 2080 Baseball, and quickly devolve into profane, paranoid and embittered ramblings about White Sox and Cubs Twitter, the worst White Sox players they have ever seen hung out to dry, and ridiculous inside jokes that should definitely not be immortalized in a podcast. 
But also:
–Discussion of the Jimmy Rollins signing and what it means […]
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