MLB: Chicago White Sox at Detroit Tigers

White Sox 8, Marlins 7: There Are Non-Shields Positives Here

The White Sox have killed their own season and they are now they are inflicting serious wounds on the Marlins’ Wild Card hopes.  In the process, we gained another datapoint in the “James Shields‘ career is over but for his contract” column. –The Marlins certainly had the edge on paper this evening.  Adam Conley has […]


White Sox 4, Marlins 2: Jose Abreu’s son probably thinks the Sox are great

For the first time in his young life, Dariel Abreu got to see his father play major league baseball in person, taking in the game from some nice seats behind home plate. The adorable little five-year-old Abreu has his father’s same high forehead, his same gummy smile, and showed a precocious ability to blend into […]